Cafeteria solutions

“Good for the customers of the cafeteria, good for you, good for the planet”

Our solution for coffee shops brings you the best quality of water for coffee lovers. Purified water by osmosis with Swedish SuperiorOsmosisTM technology that offers the best reverse osmosis filtration along with the best mineralization system, precise and adaptable to your needs, LiquidRock®. A coffee with the ideal texture and balanced pH for the best baristas in the world. All this with Swedish mineral extracts in their best proportions.

Coffee station with the best technology in the world by LiquidRock® from Bluewater.

Thanks to the LiquidRock® technology, the mineral load is constant and adjustable with your app.

One swipe, minerals added, flavors customized and the full flavour from your coffee beans.

  • Premium Purification: filtered and purified water to supply your coffee maker with the best quality of water
  • LiquidRock®: a coffee with the ideal texture and balanced pH for the best baristas in the world
  • Protection: filtrated water without lime and special mineral technology to protech your best coffee machines.
  • Satisfied customers: the possibility of offering the best water quality for the best coffee.
  • Compact: our solution is the most compact and powerful on the market, freeing up space.

In addition, we help you with turnkey solutions, where we take care of visiting you to understand your needs, analyze your water, advise you with the best solution and execute a turnkey solution.

The main benefits of Cafeteria Solutions are:






Contact one of our experts and we will introduce you to our concept of professional solutions for coffee shops.