Quality and healthy water

We can divide water in thre types according to its quality and application. You choose the level of quality you want based on your need and application.

Water for irrigation: a water of low quality. This water is good for irrigation or similar applications, but it should not be used at home to wash, shower or cook. Avoid using this water as drinking water.

Water for your hygiene and cleaning in your home: the common water used in homes and businesses. It is a water of a good level of quality that is used in the home for cleaning, laundry, bath, shower, dishes or similar. In the professional sector it can be used for cleaning systems, industrial dishwashers, steam ovens in bakeries, for coffee machines in restaurants, hospitals, car wash tunnels, etc…

Drinking water: the highest level of quality and security. Fresh, filtrated and purifier water used drinking and cooking, with the possibility of being sterilised without chemicals with Ultraviolet technology (see section water sterilisers).

Understanding purification technologies, filtration of particles or dissolved particles from water, and water quality is very important. We want to highlight Bluewater’s SuperiorOsmosis™:

Bluewater SuperiorOsmosis™ technology cleans water faster and more efficiently than other reverse osmosis systems, all while saving you money. You get more water to use, and much less is wasted compared to traditional RO solutions. Bluewater SuperiorOsmosis™ purifiers achieve an impressive 60% clean water production rate, for greater efficiency at home, in the office, in hotels and restaurants.

Advantages of purified drinking water versus bottled water:

  • We eliminate single-use of plastic, such as bottles, which often end up on our coast or sea.
  • Eliminate emissions because it is not necessary to transport water.
  • The water is fresh and purified instantly.
  • No bacteria or pathogens grow because the water is not stagnant like in bottled water.
  • Comfort and well-being, the water is produced at its point of consumption.
  • Not stored, there is no need to store the water or have stocks that take up space.
  • Convenient, there is no need to buy the water. You have unlimited supply at your home or business.
  • Enhance your brand. For professionals, you have the possibility to sell water in glass bottles with your own logo.

Why is it convenient to decalcify the water in your home?

Hard water is a common characteristic of water that contains dissolved compounds such as calcium and magnesium, as well as other elements such as iron. The problems with hard water are common in most homes, causing damage, inconvenience and additional expenses.

  • Particularly, in the Balearic Islands, we suffer from extremely hard water. It is very common that the water in these areas is above 25º dH, which is considered a very hard water. Homes should have soft water below 3º dH.
  • Hard water is often the cause of dry skin and rough hair after bathing. The hardness also prevents soap from lathering on your skin. Dissolved minerals are also the main responsible for the accumulation of lime in pipes and water appliances, causing numerous problems when washing clothes, stains in the kitchen and in the bathroom.
  • Stains on glass and cutlery, colorless clothing, discoloration in the bathtub and sink, and shorter life of water-using appliances are signs that hard water is affecting your daily life.

For these reasons it is convenient to treat hard water with modern decalcification systems. The main benefits are:

  • Less breakdowns and maintenance. Eliminates the accumulation of lime and magnesium in your pipes and appliances.
  • Wellness. Avoid the dryness of the skin and harsh hair.
  • Comfort. There are no white spots, more softness in your washed clothes and a soap that penetrates much better.
  • Economic savings It will reduce your energy bill. Your thermos, washing machine and dishwasher will consume less energy and soap.