1. Source   2. Treatment   3. Distribution   4. Storage   5. Use   6. Collection  7. Discharge



1. Source: the water has to come from somewhere. Often, it comes from surface water like lakes, rivers and reservoirs. But it doesn’t have to. Groundwater can also be pumped up via wells. In Mallorca the main reservoirs are Gorg Blau and Cúber. We also have 3 main natural springs of water, which are Font de la Vila, Font de Mestre Pere and Font D´en Baster. Moreover, we also need the support from the Son Tugores water purification plant (industrial reverse osmosis technology) and the IDAM Bahia de Palma desalination plant to make  fresh water from the Mediterranean sea.


2. Treatment: because water taken from open bodies may contain harmful microorganisms, it has to be treated before it reaches us in our homes. This process can involve a lot of steps. Typical surface water treatment involves chemical coagulation, filtration and disinfection. In Mallorca this service is done by private and state companies. In Palma it is Emaya and in Calvia we have companies like Hidrobal and Aterca.


3. Distribution: after treatment and sufficient disinfection, the water is sent out via a pressurised system of lifts to the areas in the city where it is needed. A disinfectant residual must be maintained at all parts of the system. The disinfectant used in Mallorca is Chlorine, which is compliance with the Spanish law and the EU regulation RD 140/2003. 


4. Storage: these stations pump the water to your homes and business, then after being distributed, the water is stored in water towers before it is used. Water towers use gravity to make sure we have the water when and where we need it. In Mallorca, towers are not so common and stations pumping water much more common.


5. Use: we do it every day. We take showers, brush our teeth, water our lawns, clean our clothes and drink water. In Mallorca due to the tourism and 2nd residency homes, during the high season, the consumption of the water. During these periods, very frequently Mallorca has to produce water from the desalination plant, which has a very high economic and environmental cost.


6. Collection: water leaves our homes by going down our drains and toilets. Sewer systems collect and convey the wastewater from our homes and businesses to wastewater treatment plants.


7. Treatment: because the water quality is reduced by usage, and because it has to be put back into the hydrologic cycle,  it has to be treated. This is done through a variety of biological and chemical processes.


8. Discharge: once the treated water (effluent) has been cleaned to regulatory standards, it is discharged back into the environment. When it gets back to the environment, the cycle starts again.